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2nd Nature
Noticing Nature
Each season will focus on an overall theme as we discuss related natural history concepts and learn nature journaling techniques while exploring locations throughout Atlantic and Cape May Counties. Our outdoor excursions offer hands-on activities and authentic nature experiences. Capturing these experiences in our nature journals will add another layer of meaning. No writing or art experience necessary. Come join our group and let's have fun "noticing nature"!
Autumn: "Systems, Cycles, and Diversions" - September 11 through November 14
Marine Life Safari onboard the Skimmer
Saturdays, September 16, 30, October 14, 28
Get your hands wet and mind blown on an interactive cruise with a focus on underwater life. Set some crab pots, pull some fish traps, and help us haul in a biological sampling net to see and learn about what’s down there.
Register Here.